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A look back at the 18th Annual CRIPCAS Members’ Conference

By 5 December 2023December 13th, 2023No Comments

The 18th Annual CRIPCAS Members’ Colloquium was held on Friday November 24th. Many students from our lab attended the event, which brought together regular CRIPCAS researchers, their partners, as well as their graduate students. It was a very educational day, and the laboratory would like to thank the CRIPCAS for organizing the event.

Two of our students presented their work:

  • Lydia Pedneault, a master’s student in psychology (M. Sc.), presented a poster entitled “Associations Between Attachment Insecurities and Sexual Satisfaction: The Role of Sexual Communication Patterns”.
  • Samuel Kasereka Musisiva, intern and doctoral student in psychology (Ph. D.), presented a poster entitled “Sexual abuse and relationships between conjugal partners in the Democratic Republic of Congo: a study in North Kivu”.
Les membres du laboratoire présents au congrès