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Désextifier – A documentary series

By 28 August 2023January 31st, 2024No Comments

Our documentary series Désextifier came to an end a few days ago. This project was set up in collaboration with the Laboratoire d’étude du couple, the LIVE lab, the CRIPCAS, the Community Radio Fund of Canada and the UofM radio station CISM 89.3 FM. The series aired throughout the summer, with one episode per week. The various guests were able to present recent research results on many themes related to sexuality, while advocating for a positive and inclusive vision of it. The 15 episodes of the series are still available for listening on Spotify if you would like to take a look. Once again, a big thank you to all of those involved in this wonderful project and to the people who listened to us, you are the reason why it was a success!

To find out more about Désextifier, read this article published in UdeMNouvelles. You will find a description of the project, as well as the complete schedule for all 15 episodes!

Tout ce que vous avez toujours voulu savoir sur la sexualité… sans jamais oser le demander | UdeMNouvelles (

*This article is only available in French.