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Maude Massé-Pfister successfully defends her thesis

By 22 November 2024December 2nd, 2024No Comments

Our doctoral student in clinical psychology (D. Psy) Maude Massé-Pfister successfully defended her thesis on November 18th at the Université de Montréal.

Her doctoral essay was part of our multi-method study of couples coping with low sexual desire and her presentation was entitled: “Cross-sectional and prospective associations between self-compassion and sexual distress in couples coping with sexual interest/arousal disorder”.

The whole team congratulates you on this achievement, and we wish you every success for the future! To see more of Maude’s publications, check out her presentation in the “Team” section of our website.

Maude Massé-Pfister lors de la soutenance de son essai doctoral