This year, our laboratory welcomed two Honor students who are supervised by our director Sophie Bergeron, PhD.
Audrey-Ann Saindon’s project (on the right) is part of the ROSE study, which aims to examine the impact of various psychological factors on the sexual, relational and psychological well-being of couples with low sexual desire. Her project is entitled: “Dyadic associations between romantic attachment and relational satisfaction in couples in which a female partner is struggling with sexual interest/arousal disorder: The intermediary role of mentalization”.
Eugénie Adlhoch-Mathé (on the left) uses data from SYNC, an observational study on couples’ adaptation to stress with an experimental component. This study is being conducted by the Laboratoire d’étude de la santé sexuelle in collaboration with the Centre d’études sur le sexe*genre, l’allostasie et la résilience of Robert-Paul Juster, Ph. D. Eugénie’s project focuses on the dyadic associations between body appreciation and sexual function in romantic relationships.