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Two students selected for the SCOUP Team Diversity Internship

The SCOUP team has just announced the two students who will complete an internship this winter as part of the SCOUP Diversity Internship. This is a 144-hour introductory research internship taking place during the winter 2025 session, for which each student will integrate two of the SCOUP team’s research laboratories.

The first intern is Nour Gamra. She is a bachelor’s student in psychology at the Université de Sherbrooke and, as part of her internship, she will be working in the laboratories of Dr. Noémie Bigras (UQO) and Dr. Audrey Brassard (UdeS).

The second intern is Yasmine Boudiaf. She is a bachelor’s student in psychology at the Université du Québec à Montréal, and she will be working in our laboratory with Dr. Sophie Bergeron (UdeM) and in Dr. Natacha Godbout’s lab (UQÀM).

Congratulations to both recipients!

Nour Gamra et Yasmine Boudiaf